Found in gym this week
Our students have been working hard to prepare the outdoor garden for a successful growing season! 🌱 We invite the community to come and enjoy the garden, care for the plants, and harvest the produce, too! 🥕 🌽 🍓 The students have fun learning the lifelong skill of gardening; the added bonus is taking their classroom outside to enjoy the great spring weather!☀️
A special thank you to our community partners who have helped to make this opportunity possible for our students! These partners have donated equipment, lumber, soil, money, and quality time. This is a significant investment in our community, and we will be forever grateful for your generosity. 💚
🌟Helm Enterprises
🌟Valley Building and Home Design Center
🌟B&S Construction
🌟Pembina County Public Health
📣Tonight is the night the fun begins! Prom committee members and their families, please meet at the school gym to begin decorating for prom at 3:15pm TODAY! 🌟
Found in Gym April 2
Please join us for our upcoming prom on Friday, April 12!
All students who attend prom are welcome to attend the after prom party!
Please note that after prom permission forms must be handed in to the office no later than Monday, April 8. The PlayIt waiver must also be completed for students to attend and is linked here:
Found in Gym last week
2 water bottles left in gym March 18
if you know who this belongs too, let us at the school know. Was left Friday Night @ parents and players game
School Board meeting notice for March 14, 2024 at 6:30am in the Community Room.
Change: The parent's trap meeting will be Thursday, March 14, @ 7 pm in HS library
There will be a Trap Meeting @ 11 am in the HS library on Monday, March 11.
There will be a Parent's Trap Meeting @ 7 PM in the HS Library on Wednesday, March 13.
The BBB team plays North Border @ 3 PM today in Langdon.
📣A reminder to DPS elementary families: your cookie dough sales will be arriving to school this Monday, February 26! 🍪 Please make arrangements to pickup as early as 2pm from the front of the school. Orders cannot be sent home on the bus. If you have questions, please call the school!
NO Hunter Safety this evening at the school. Have a good weekend.
Please join us Monday, March 4 for our V.I.P. Breakfast!
There is no school for students on Thursday, Feb. 22, and Friday, Feb. 23.
We play North Star in District Boys BB on Friday, Feb. 23rd @ 3 PM in Langdon.
Lost and found clothes and stuff will be in the gym until Monday, Feb. 26, until 9 A.M.
After that time, they will be donated either to the Drayton PTO, Cavalier L.O.A.N., or
thrown away.
Thank you
Tonight's boys BB games in Crystal vs Warwick will be just a JV and V games starting at 5:45 PM
Todays Boys BB game is blackout night
All fans(if possible) wear black
The ND Department of Health and Human Services Seal!ND spring dental visit will occur on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. This follow-up visit applies only to elementary students who have a consent on file for Seal!ND services. If you have any questions, please call the school!
Our cookie dough fundraiser delivery will be Monday, February 26, 2024. Please make arrangements to pickup your goods between 2pm and 3pm as the school will not be responsible for storing. If you need to make an alternate arrangement for pickup, please call the school. Thank you!