It's important to understand the impact that eliminating property tax will have on public schools! We want people to understand the effect their vote will directly have on our community. Full NDSBA Bulletin found here:
4 months ago, Drayton Public Schools 19
ndsba newsletter
School today, 9/27/24, will be dismissed at 2:15pm. Busses will run at 2:15pm.
4 months ago, Drayton Public Schools 19
Good Morning - the football game scheduled for this evening, has been rescheduled until 2:30pm today. There is no JH/JV game, this is a VARSITY game only. Mr. Lund
4 months ago, Drayton Public Schools 19
There has been a lunch menu change for today (Thursday 9/26/24). Barb and Birdie will now be serving soft shell tacos, garlic bread stick, California blend veggies, strawberry cup, & milk. Thank you for your understanding!
4 months ago, School Nurse
Good Evening - This is a reminder that there is no school on Monday, September 30th, 2024. The teachers will be having a professional development day.
4 months ago, Jeremy Lund
💕Enjoy a parenting message from our school counselor, Ms. Lauri Logsdon: 8 FIGHTS WORTH PICKING WITH YOUR KIDS: Parenting is hard. Parents have to choose their battles. Here are 8 fights worth picking with your kids: The Reading Fight: Make your kids read. Because reading is tied to everything from cognitive development to the ability to focus. Make your kids read now. The Outside Fight: Make your kids go outside. The natural world teaches us things. Plus, outside there's sunshine, fresh air, and exercise waiting for them. Most importantly, nature is full of things in short supply in our world: Discovery, wonder, peace, joy. The Work Fight: Make your kids work. I’m saddened by how many parents don’t require their kids to lift a finger at home. There are priceless life principles you can only learn with a mop in your hand. Let sweat be their teacher. The Meal Fight: Make your kids eat as a family. Our lives are a blur of incessant activity. Meals together are a physical pause to recover a truth so easily sacrificed at the altar of busyness. Nothing's more important than family. The Boredom Fight: Make your kids live with boredom. Don't show a DVD on each car ride. Kids need unscheduled time. And, odd as it sounds, boredom is a skill. It's hard as a parent to deal with the assault of boredom complaints. But if you give in and fill up their time with external stimuli, you'll raise an activity addict. Make them learn how to be. The "Me First" Fight: Make your kids go last. Not every time for everything. But enough to remember that the world doesn't revolve around them. Take the smallest piece. Give up the remote. Do someone else's chores. Get their least favorite choice. They won't like it, but they need it. The Limitation Fight: Learning to live within limits is a valuable life skill. In fact, many adult problems arise from an inability to accept them. Screen time limits, dietary limits, activity limits, and schedule limits are all good. As a parent, you have to pick your battles. They're not easy, but they're worth the fight. Source: David Morris
4 months ago, School Nurse
🥳We are celebrating the debut of our newest addition to our playground! This playground was established to provide a safer opportunity for our Bitty Bombers to play on equipment that is more sizable for them! So far, the students give this an A+! 🛝
4 months ago, School Nurse
The JV Football game scheduled for 5:00pm has been cancelled. Homecoming is at 6:45pm with the Varsity game to follow at 7:00pm. Don't forget about the dance and games sponsored by PTO following the football game, with the doors closing at 9:45pm.
4 months ago, Drayton Public Schools 19
🏈 The Bombers football team is in need of parent volunteers to help work in the concession stand at the next home volleyball game on 10/8. Please contact a football coach to sign up, even if only for an hour or two! 🍿
4 months ago, School Nurse
4 months ago, Jason Muth
Mr. Riddle's APT class got the opportunity to go to Big Iron on Wednesday! We would like to thank Larson’s family farm for the breakfast!!!
4 months ago, School Nurse
Next week is homecoming at DPS! 🖤❤️
4 months ago, School Nurse
Drayton School Board Meeting September 12th, 2024, in the Community Room at 6:30AM. Zoom link:
4 months ago, School Nurse
Pembina County Public Health will be at our school on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 conducting vision screenings on all students in grades pre-K, kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school.
4 months ago, School Nurse
🌟 Congratulations to our high school girls golf team! They have had a wonderful season so far! An extra special shout out to Reegan Aasand who achieved a personal best and second place score in the golf meet yesterday in Northwood! ⛳️
4 months ago, School Nurse
✈️ 8th and 9th grade students put on their pilots' wings and practiced their drone flying skills! We will be taking pictures of the beet harvest. If you are a farmer interested in drone shots of your harvest, please reach out to Mr. Riddle! 📸
4 months ago, School Nurse
This is the last week to purchase Rhombus Guys frozen pizzas and L&M beef sticks from the DPS Prom Committee fundraiser. Sales are due Friday, September 6! 🍕
5 months ago, School Nurse
Seal!ND consent forms are due by close of business today. If your student is not participating in this program, please check "no" on the consent form or simply do not return the form to school. 🦷 🪥
5 months ago, School Nurse
Please claim your items from Mr. Babinski by Friday, September 6. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the PTO Care Closet.
5 months ago, School Nurse
lost and found
lost and found
Tweten's Photography will be present at DPS for school picture day on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024! 📸
5 months ago, Jeremy Lund